Be A Sponsor
Be A Sponsor
Being a Sponsor is much more than just advertising; it’s an expression of your commitment to all our veterans who are a large part of our community residents.
Nassau and Camden Counties are steeped in a rich military history covering more than 400 years. Everyone you may meet or talk to is a veteran, is married to one, has siblings, children and grandchildren who are, or has a neighbor or friend who is!
Being a Sponsor and Supporter of VVA Chapter 1088 not only denotes your support, but also reflects the business potential and marketing ability of a huge section of our community residents and their purchasing power. We know that whether through all the veterans organizations or individually in our community, the results of support make word of mouth referrals a positive result for you.
Sponsorship for one year for our huge, well visited website is only $100.00 and includes:
A complete listing of your business name, address, phone, email and website on VVA 1088's Website
“Click” on your website listed and ‘go directly’ to your Website or Facebook page
“Click” on the ‘Business Ad’ and go directly to your full page ad space for your own graphics and details
A “Scroll” of ‘contact information of your business card’ on our Home Page highly visible to all visitors
Please consider letting VVA 1088’s huge website be a vehicle for you or your business. It’s a “win-win-win scenario” for all ‘three’of us… you, our chapter and most importantly……our veterans in the community.
Your ad makes our growing list of ‘Veteran’s Services in Nassau & Camden Counties possible. Please ‘click’ on the “Community Outreach” tab on our ‘Home Page’ for a growing list of the hands-on and referral services we provide our veterans of all eras.
“Thank You on Behalf of So Many”
To Be A Sponsor and to help support VVA Chapter 1088 serve the Veterans of our community as well as other worthy causes in Nassau county, call Steve Goll at (904) 330-4679 or email him at All officers, directors and members are unpaid volunteers. With very little overhead, the vast majority of our revenues go directly to help others. VVA 1088 is a 501 (C) 19 Non-Profit Veterans Organization.