Please Support Our Sponsors


Look through the ‘Sponsor Groups’ listed below and you will find outstanding individuals and businesses that not only support VVA Chapter 1088, but all veterans or all eras!

Many are veterans themselves, are related to or know other veterans, and offer not only discounts for you, your family and friends, but we at VVA 1088 know them personally. We use them ourselves and highly recommend them for integrity, business ethics, quality products and services. We are proud to recommend them all.

To view the ‘Sponsor’ in any group…just click on the ‘link to that Business Group’ and a listing of individuals and services will show on your screen in alphabetical order.

You will then find our sponsors listed by Category you may be looking for with all information about them displayed……Please just ‘click’ on their website listed and go directly to their website.

‘Click’ on their ‘Image Ad’ and you will go directly to their personal ad page as well for information, discounts, sales and service.

It’s quick and easy to locate quality driven individuals and businesses who care about you!

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1088

In Service to America’s Veterans of All Eras


Please Support Our Sponsors — List page from Classic Sites